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The Elixir Agent is hosted on Hex -


  • :paraxial_url is no longer required in the config file.
  • Warn when a .sobelow_skips file exists, but is not being read because --sobelow-skip was not passed.
  • Do not send HTTP events to backend on free tier.


  • Add Paraxial.check_rate/6 for rate limiting with reporting. Can be used to rate limit LiveView functions.


  • Send the value to backend.


  • Fix a bug where mix paraxial.scan with --add-exit-code and without --github_app would always return 1 (error). It now returns the correct value.


  • Add a special check for the xz library, versions 5.6.0 and 5.6.1, in App Audit. These versions have a high profile backdoor.
  • Fix App Audit error where the agent is started without a config.


  • mix paraxial.scan --no-license-scan, the new flag will stop the license scan from running.
  • mix paraxial.scan --add-exit-code now returns 1 if an error condition occurs during the scan, for example the scan upload fails due to an invalid API key.
  • If an invalid flag is passed to mix paraxial.scan, a warning is displayed. For example: mix paraxial.scan --null will show [warning] [Paraxial] --null not a valid flag. Unexpected behavior may occur.
  • Fix function Mix.Dep.loaded/1 is undefined for newer versions of Elixir (>= 1.16.0)


  • File .sobelow-conf found, but --sobelow-config not set, default scan will run - this is now a warning, not an error.


  • Changes to mix paraxial.scan:
  • The --sobelow-config flag is required to read .sobelow-conf
  • The --sobelow-skip flag is required to honor Sobelow skips (code comments or a .sobelow-skips file). Note that a .sobelow-conf files overrides this setting.
  • The --gpl-check flag will create a vulnerability if a dependency using a GPL license is found.
  • Add License Check, which uploads an inventory of dependencies taken at compile time with license info. This may result in different findings than App Audit (runtime) because the inventory is fetched at compile time.


  • Add scan flags: mix paraxial.scan --paraxial_url --paraxial_api_key API_KEY_HERE
  • If these flags are set, they will override the config file values.


  • Fix bug where mix paraxial.scan without --sarif flag crashed.


  • Add --sarif flag to get enriched finding data.


  • The Sobelow scan in mix paraxial.scan now has the --config flag by default, so it can read .sobelow-conf.


  • Add the mix paraxial.scan --github_app flag, for use with the Github App
  • Additional required arguments: --install_id, --repo_owner, --repo_name, --pr_number
  • See the Github App page for installation instructions.


  • mix paraxial.scan prints scan uuid.


  • iptrie from ~> 0.8.0 to >= 0.8.0.
  • sobelow from ~> 0.12.2 to >= 0.12.2.
  • Change warn to error to better reflect error conditions.


  • Add App Audit to agent.


  • Add Exploit Guard to agent.


  • mix paraxial.scan now has the --add-exit-code flag, returns unix exit code 1 if scan has findings. Returns 0 if no findings.


  • Allow HTTPoison versions 2.0.0 and higher


  • Upgrade Sobelow from 0.12.1 to 0.12.2


  • Sobelow 0.12.0 required castore ~> 1.0
  • Sobelow 0.12.1 relaxes this requirement for backwards compatibility


  • Upgrade Sobelow from 0.11.1 to 0.12.0
  • Sobelow now checks for XSS in HEEx templates


  • mix paraxial.scan now supports umbrella projects.
  • Requires you to add sobelow: ["cmd mix sobelow"] in your top-level mix file.


  • You can now disable the agent. If there is no configuration set for :paraxial_api_key or :paraxial_url, the agent will not start, and the Paraxial plugs will do nothing to conn.
  • To disable the agent in your dev or test environment, ensure there are no values set for your :paraxial configuration. If :paraxial_api_key and :paraxial_url have non-nil values, the agent will start and the Paraxial plugs will function normally.


  • WARNING: Breaking changes to the only/except configuration values. Previously these were read via Application.get_env, and would not raise an error if runtime and compile time settings were different.
  • only/except are now read with Application.compile_env/3 in 2.0.0. From the docs, "By using compile_env/3, tools like Mix will store the values used during compilation and compare the compilation values with the runtime values whenever your system starts, raising an error in case they differ."
  • There is no change in features from 1.1.0 to 2.0.0. The reason for this release is to make debugging CI/CD pipelines easier, because compile_env will trigger an error if runtime and compile time configuration differs.
  • After changing only/except in your dev environment run mix deps.clean paraxial. If you don't, you will get an error, ERROR! the application :paraxial has a different value set for key :except during runtime.


  • Add mix paraxial.scan, code scanning for vulnerabilities.


  • If fetch_cloud_ips is set to true, and there is no internet connection, ip_trie will be set to an empty trie.
  • PARAXIAL_API_KEY environment variable support added.