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Agent Internals


The main tasks of the agent are:

  1. Record incoming HTTP requests and send them to the backend for processing

  2. Enforce bans against IP addresses

  3. Enforce rules with a time period of < 30 seconds, using local ETS tables for state

Information Sent/Received by Agent

Sent to backend: - Bundles of HTTP requests, Paraxial.HTTPBuffer.send_http(state),

Retrieved from backend for local use: - Allow list - Ban list - Local rules

Important values: - How often are HTTP request bundles sent to backend? (3 seconds) - How often is the allow/ban/rules request sent? (3 seconds) - Max length of local rules (30 seconds) - Local bans cleared (30 seconds) backend: @local_rule_max_seconds 30 - only rules with a time period < @local_rule_max_seconds are sent to agent

Plug -> Module -> Function Map

AllowedPlug -> Paraxial.Crow.eval_http(conn)

RecordPlug -> Paraxial.HTTPBuffer.add_http_event(conn)

ETS Tables

Crow: - :backend_bans - :local_bans - :rule_names

LocalRule: - :local_rule_n - ets_atom is used for table name, created as :"local_rule_#{}"